Self-care of Assistance Professionals for Victims of Violence

Karine David Andrade Santos, Joilson Pereira da Silva, Leonor María Cantera Espinosa


This research had the objective of verifying self - care practices at the individual, professional, collective and institutional levels carried out by professionals of assistance to victims of violence against women. With this purpose, an interview script with questions about these aspects was applied to 12 professionals from centers for the care of victims of violence against women in Aracaju and in the interior of Sergipe, Brazil. The findings point to the importance of sociocultural and economic factors in health care practices, the collective and institutional damage caused by the presence of a State that is distanced from public issues, and reveal the conflicts and difficulties of delimiting the role of the psychology professional in the area of social assistance. Thus, the results of this study point to the strengthening of the debate on the roles assumed by women, the public policy movements and the construction of new knowledge for the professional performance of the psychologist.


Professional Practice; Work conditions; Self Care


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Copyright (c) 2020 Karine David Andrade Santos, Joilson Pereira da Silva, Leonor María Cantera Espinosa

ISSN 2175-5027

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