Prejudice and Mental Health: Minority Stress in College Students

Elder Cerqueira-Santos, Hanna Valença Pereira Azevedo, Mozer de Miranda Ramos


The objective of this study is to compare mental health indicators of college students regarding sexual orientation and gender. To this end, these data were interpreted on the basis of the minority stress model to understand the effect of experiencing homophobia. In this study, 60 university health students, 55% men, 65% heterosexual and 84% latino and white participated. Scales were used to evaluate Prejudice against Sexual and Gender Diversity, Internalized Homophobia, Perceived Stress and Distress; and a demographic questionnaire. The data point to worse mental health indicators for non-heterosexual students. Participants, regardless of sexual orientation, showed similar degrees of prejudice against sexual and gender diversity. The study corroborates the specialized literature that points out the effects of experiencing prejudice on the mental health of the nonheterosexual population.


mental health; health science students; sexual and gender minorities


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