Association between the Family Poverty and the Neuropsychomotor Development of Children in a preschool

Camila de Nazaré Alencar, Elson Ferreira Costa, Lilia Ieda Chaves Cavalcante


This study aimed to analyze the neuropsychomotor development of children from a Belém preschool and its association with the Family Poverty Index. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive-exploratory study. A total of 19 children, both boys and girls, participated in the study. He used the Denver Development Screening Test, The Brazil Criterion, and the Family Poverty Index. Statistical analysis was used as descriptive and inferential statistics, with Fisher’s Exact test, with significance of 5% (p-value <0.05). Of the 19 children evaluated, the percentage of suspected developmental delay reached 57.9%, language was the most affected (47.4%). About Criterion Brazil, children with suspected delays were in category C. About the Family Poverty Index, the children suspected developmental delay were from the family with the highest poverty rate - Group 2 (G2) 81.8%. Thus, the contribution of this study to understanding the multinationality of poverty and its relation to neuropsychomotor development is highlighted.


Child Development; Poverty; Child Rearing


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