Digital Games: Thinking Devices For School Practices

Renata Fischer da Silveira Kroeff, Cleci Maraschin


This article aims to explore the possibilities of insertion of a digital game in a school context, following the effects of its use in the relations between students and their teachers, as well as in the ways students interact and position themselves in relation to their own performances as players. The empiric field of research was composed by the realization of workshops with 2 teachers and 33 students in which participants utilized a digital game and, following that, had conversations about the experience. We take for analysis an episode that was commonplace amongst all workshops that brought to light cultural differences between school and gamer culture in their relationship between cooperation and competition. The results have been discussed from the study contribution of Game Studies. It is suggested that the construction of educational proposals utilizing digital games may consider the conjuncture of practises associated with gamer culture, specifically those related to the constitution of affinity spaces between players.


competition; cooperation; culture; learning


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Copyright (c) 2018 Renata Fischer da Silveira Kroeff, Cleci Maraschin

ISSN 2175-5027

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