Systematic Literature Review on Characteristics of Career Interventions

Clarissa Tochetto de Oliveira, Marco Antônio Pereira Teixeira, Ana Cristina Garcia Dias


There are several career intervention modalities, with different theoretical approaches, objectives and procedures. In this sense, it is important that both counselors and users can know what alternatives are described in the literature, in order to base the professional practice and the choice by appropriate approaches to the clients’ demands. The aim of this study is to characterize career interventions that have been carried out and empirically tested lately. A systematic literature review was performed with the keywords carreira/career and intervenção/intervention in Lilacs, Redalyc, Pepsic, Scielo, PsycInfo e periódicos CAPES databases between 2010 and 2014. We found 89 papers, but only 17 were analyzed. Information was organized in four categories: theoretical model, target population, structure and procedures, and evaluation of intervention. We verify that there are no predominant theoretical model, structure and procedures, although career intervention may be effective and useful to people in different phases of human development. Results show that career interventions in general were based on the Socio-Cognitive theories of Career and Holland, for adolescents and adults, carried out in one or more sessions. The results were evaluated in a predominantly quantitative way. We conclude that career interventions can include diverse content and processes, as well as different target audiences.

Keywords: career, intervention, professional development, literature review


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