Social Support Perception of Adolescents from Public Schools

Cássia Ferrazza Alves, Débora Dell’Aglio


Studies have evidenced the importance of social support perception in di erent stages of the vital cycle. is cross-sectional and quantitative study aimed to know the social support perception (sup- port from the family, teachers, friends and general support) in adolescents, considering the variables sex, age and family con guration. ree hundred and seventy- ve students of public schools in Porto Alegre/ RS, aged 13-19 years old participated in the study and answered the Social Support Appraisals Scale. Girls presented signi cantly higher average in scale and a higher perceived support from friends than boys. No signi cant di erences regarding the social support perception were found considering age and type of family con guration. e importance of social support in contexts such as family and school in the development of adolescents and the in uence of gender on perceived social support are discussed. 


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