Generation Y and innovation in the labor market

Kelly Zanon De Bortoli Pisoni


Generation Y is the aggregate labor market so that brings a different behavioral culture of other generations. These young people have a multitude of ideas and proposals to change the world around you. The paper presents a theoretical study of Generation Y in the context of innovation in the labor market. The literature from published references on the subject points out trends that characterize the behavior and social practices of Generation Y, among which is innovation, which encourages young people to provide solutions to the way things are done. Generation Y has the necessary skills to innovate: they risk, are creative, have the technology, are bold, in short, are reinventing the traditional way of work, influencing the labor structure. These characteristics, combined with the leadership and management can help organizations face the competitive world of business, seeking forms of action to permit innovation. Challenge young people in the proposed differentiated solutions is a way to encourage them to produce. However, they need the experience of other generations, who know the business, they are not able to do it alone.

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