Burnout Syndrome and Covid-19: An Integrative Review of Health Professionals

Lara Campello Vieira, Isis Cuzzuol Gomes, Fabíola Rodrigues Matos


The Burnout Syndrome has remarkable relevance within the healthcare professionals’ context, introducing a negative impact on both workers and patients. The present study has as an objective to investigate the impacts of the pandemic regarding the Sars-Cov-2 virus on the mental health of healthcare professionals that continued working during this period, more specifically verifying the incidence of Burnout Syndrome within this group. An integrative review of national and international literature was carried out using descriptors related to the topic. The bibliographic survey was accomplished through Periódicos Capes, PsycArticles, PubMed, Web of Science and Scielo databases. The results included 37 studies that fully matched the criteria. The findings of this review evidenced studies that confirmed the presence of Burnout Syndrome in this context and also pointed out that everyday aspects of these subjects worklife, such as inappropriate PPE or the lack of this equipment and the complexity and inconsistency of protocols, are the main factors for its development. In addition to these results, it was possible to recognize the enhancement of symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, various disorders and the necessity of implementing interventions that provide better mental health to this population. This research contains collaborations about the mental health of healthcare professionals in the pandemic context and coping strategies at the individual and organizational level.


Burnout, Psychological; Coronavirus Infections; Health Personne


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2175-5027.2021.v13i2.4298


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Copyright (c) 2021 Lara Campello Vieira, Isis Cuzzuol Gomes, Fabíola Rodrigues Matos

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