The Role of Individual and Societal Willingness in the Transition to a Future Low Carbon Economy

Fernando Mario Rodrigues Marques, Sari Hannele Koivukangas, João Leo Pinto Lima


The most common approaches to the topic of low carbon economy (LCE) have been the purview of economics (analysis of new business opportunities in the field of renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency) and engineering (developing and making available new technologies). However, an analysis of the human being’s inner nature and associated behavior along with their potential power to promote or oppose goodness in the transition to a LCE can contribute to removing anthropogenic obstacles to its implementation through a process of consciousness. While the transition to a LCE has already begun, its timetable remains in question. Anticipating this transition is critical, as its delay can lead to high economic and human tolls; and the worst case scenario could be the destruction of the planet and life on it. While the movement toward a LCE should proceed faster, an apparent lack of willingness on the part of man is representative of dichotomy between man consciously striving toward a better future but unconsciously delaying or sabotaging it. According to Analytical Trilogy, the main causes of mental illnesses and social disturbances drive from psychological factors that spring up from the individual’s inner self linked to the inverted application of his will, encouraged by similarly inverted society and values. Using Analytical Trilogy, this study will seek to show how the inner nature and the behavior of the human being do not always match with the ideal of LCE, and how this is translated in man’s unconscious obstructionism to rapid transition to a LCE. The Analytical Trilogy method allows one to understand how the human being’s behavior is misled (pathology). With the understanding brought by this study, we can deal with the individual and social pathology in decision making, preparing society for anticipating the LCE transition and accepting a better future.


Palabras clave

Low Carbon Economy; Future; Willingness; Values; Analytical Trilogy; Consciousness

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