Value Perception in Digital bank Accounts: A Study Based on the Technology Acceptance Model

Pâmela de Souza Dias, Lucas Fernandes da Costa


Several banks offer users the ability to access and conduct transactions over the internet. However, digital accounts are not just internet/mobile banking services; they are accounts where there is no consumer interaction with an employee at a physical agency. In the last decade, digital innovation has stood out, noted by the emergence of new technologies, platforms and infrastructures, with broad organizational and political implications. The aim of this paper was to evaluate how the benefits of digital bank accounts fit the technology acceptance model proposed by Venkatesh and Davis (1996), considering the value structure of the selected banks. This is a qualitative and exploratory study, supported by a case study, with primary data collected virtually, a list of selected bank account holders. The results showed that exemption of bank fees, convenience and ease of account movement are the main attributes valued in a digital account. Although the technology acceptance model was not statistically tested, the study showed that it is effective for bank research, and the acceptance of digital banking technology is confirmed through the results regarding the perceived utility and ease of use.


Digital accounts; Banking innovation; Perception of value; Technology acceptance model


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