
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Articles for publication should be submitted via the journal site, however, before submitting a scientific paper to a journal, they are required to be submitted to a pre-formatting standard for the text, as explained below.

1. Formatting:

  1. Sheet size: A4 (29.7 cm x 21 cm).
  2. Margins: upper = 3cm, lower = 2cm, left = 3cm and right= 2cm
  3. Text editor: Word for Windows (doc or docx formats).
  4. Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
  5. Spacing: Double.
  6. Size: The article should not exceed 32 pages, including tables, graphs, illustrations, notes and bibliographical references.
  7. BOLD should be used to emphasize terms, phrases or symbols.
  8. ITALICS should be used only for words in a foreign language.
  9. DOUBLE QUOTES should be used for direct quotes and phrases of respondents.
  10. SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS should be used within the double quotation marks to isolate material that in the original text was enclosed in quotation marks.

2. Contents of the first page:

  1. Title of the work in Portuguese and English,
  2. Inform, among the following areas: Information Administration, Science and Technology Administration, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Behavior, Teaching and Research in Administration, Strategy in Organizations, Finance, Agribusiness Management, Operations and Logistics Management, Personnel Management and Management, Public Policy and Management, International Management, Social and Environmental Management, Marketing, Organizations / Organizational Behavior and Organizations / Theory of Organizations, the one in which the article should be evaluated.
  3. A summary of the text in Portuguese and English, including an objective, method, result and conclusions, as well as three to five keywords in both languages for international dissemination. The abstract must have up to 250 words.

3. Citations should be presented in the body of the text, including the surname of the author of the source, the date of publication and the page number (if applicable), according to the APA standards.

4. Complete bibliographical references of the author (s) cited should be presented in alphabetical order, at the end of the text, according to the APA norms. For more information: American Psychological Association (APA). (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) or, in Portuguese, Manual of APA publication (2012. 6 ed. Porto Alegre: Penso Publishing house). A brief summary of the APA standards can be found at the link: Summary: APA standards

5. Notes should not be placed in the foot note. Use them as little as possible, sequentially numbering them in the body of the text, and present them at the end of the article, before bibliographical references.

6. Diagrams and tables must have title and source. In addition, these should be inserted in the text, in the appropriate place for their presentation. You should avoid repeating information contained in the text.

7. The article should be submitted through the web page of the magazine.

8. The full name (s) of the author (s), accompanied by the academic degree, current professional and / or academic experience, binding institution(s), ORCID and e-mail should be included in the Metadata in the submission system of the journal. If more than one author, order according to each one's contribution to the work. Any questions or difficulties regarding inclusion and authors, please contact: [email protected]


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.

  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  3. The text follows the style standards and requirements described in "Guidelines for Authors" on the "About the Journal" page.
  4. In the case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available under Ensuring blind peer evaluation were followed.

    - In the case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available under Ensuring blind peer evaluation were followed.

    (This is a technical procedure pertaining to the document / file that must be performed, and does not impact or replace the one contained in the Guidelines for Authors).


Copyright Notice

I declare that this article is original and has not been submitted for publication in any other national or international journal, either in whole or in part. I further declare that once published in IMED - RAIMED Journal of Administration, edited by IMED, it will never be submitted by me or any of the other co - authors to any other journal. By means of this instrument, in my name and on behalf of the other co-authors, perhaps existing, I copy the copyright of the said article to the Faculty Meridional - IMED and declare to be aware that failure to comply with this commitment will subject the offender to penalties and penalties In the Protection of Copyright Law (Nº9609, of 02/19/98).


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