Strategic Resources of the Brazilian beef Production Chain Focused on Exports and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Paulo Henrique Nogueira Biscola, Guilherme Cunha Malafaia, Raquel Viegas Carvalho de Siqueira Biscola


There will be an increase in the food demand due to the world population growth and the need for greater food security aimed at nutrition and combating hunger. Brazil presents itself as one of the countries with a great capacity to contribute to overcome these challenges, as it is one of the largest producers and exporters of beef. This space occupied by the country can be associated with the resources at its disposal, which generate an advantage in relation to others. This assumption can be better explored from the resource-based view (RBV). The problem addressed was which resources of the Brazilian beef production chain focused on exports can provide sustainable competitive advantage? Classic texts of the RBV were studied, as well as recent texts applied to different agribusiness chains. A resource framework and sustainable competitive advantage was discussed and applied based on the attributes value, rarity, imperfect imitability, and dependence on the firm’s organization to be exploited (VRIO), which can lead to sustainable competitive advantage. The resource categories were explored: physical, human, organizational, technological, financial, and reputational. Four potential resources that generated sustainable competitive advantage were selected, associated as follows: two to the human category, one to the technological, and one to the financial. As a theoretical contribution, there is the application of the model to a production chain and, an empirical contribution, the identification of superior resources of a production chain of national relevance.


Resource-based view; Strategy; International competitiveness; Beef production chain


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Copyright (c) 2022 Paulo Henrique Nogueira Biscola, Guilherme Cunha Malafaia, Raquel Viegas Carvalho de Siqueira Biscola

Revista de Administração IMED (RAIMED)               ISSN: 2237-7956                Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA/Atitus)

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