The role of Networking Capabilities During the Covid-19 Crisis: Lessons Learned From SMEs in an Emerging Market

Cristian Rogério Foguesatto, Virginia Westphalen Moreira, Mathaüs Marcelo Freitag Dallagnol, Gabriele Girardi, Bernardo Balejos Frantz, Douglas Wegner


This paper aims to analyze how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) used their networking capabilities (NC) to initiate, develop, and terminate business relationships to reduce the negative impacts of the Covid-19 crisis. This study followed a qualitative approach and investigated six SMEs purposely selected based on the study’s requirement. Data were obtained through internet searches and 13 interviews with firm owners and top managers from the SMEs. Our findings show six lessons regarding the role of NC’s during the Covid-19 crisis. The lessons address topics such as starting collaborative partnerships, open communication between companies, among others. These lessons are useful for minimizing economic crisis impacts and managing inter-organizational relations during crisis periods.


Business; Collaboration; Interorganizational relations; Pandemic; Partnership

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