Influence of Chronic Regulatory Focus and Ecological Awareness on Conscious Water Consumption

Ana Clara Lira do Nascimento, Patrícia de Oliveira Campos, Marconi Freitas da Costa


The increase in water consumption combined to its scarcity has caused reflections about its maintenance for the next generations. In this sense, it pays attention to the need of consuming this resource responsibly. It is known that different factors, such as goals, the willingness to achieve them, and ecological awareness, can act as predictors of this responsible behavior. Thus, the present study sought to analyze the influence of ecological awareness and chronic regulatory focus on conscious water consumption in Agreste of Pernambuco - a region with water availability problems. To do so, a quantitative approach was used, with data obtained through an online survey, resulting in a sample of 179 valid participants. Data processing was done using SPSS and AMOS software. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling. The results show that consumers, from the studied region, have a strong inclination towards conscious water consumption and the positive influence of ecological awareness on this consumption is revealed. In addition, there is a positive relationship between the focus on promotion and the conscious water consumption. However, no relationship was identified between this behavior and the chronic orientation to prevention focus. These findings can be explained by the fact that external aspects, such as the quantity and quality of water, act in the decision process more forcefully. It is concluded that the willingness to conscious behavior is possibly related to obtaining immediate gains. Therefore, it is evident that conservative public policies may not be effective for holistic awareness regarding the use of this resource.


Chronic regulatory focus; Ecological awareness; Conscious water consumption


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Copyright (c) 2021 Ana Clara Lira do Nascimento, Patrícia de Oliveira Campos, Marconi Freitas da Costa

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