Level of Financial Literacy of Incubated Entrepreneurs

Vanessa Isabel de Marco Canton, Rodrigo Barichello


Previous studies show that low levels of knowledge in business management, and especially financial aspects, is one of the reasons for unsuccessful enterprises and entrepreneurs. The present study aimed to identify the level of financial literacy of entrepreneurs with incubated businesses. The research is descriptive, with a quantitative approach, data collection through questionnaires and data analysis using statistical techniques of multivariate analysis. From the findings, the entrepreneurs are mostly young people, from 19 to 29 years, male and more than 45% of the enterprises belong to the services segment. Regarding financial literacy, the sample index for the three constructs (financial attitude, financial behavior and financial knowledge) was 0.74877. The group that belongs to the cluster with low literacy is composed of 20% of the sample and had an average literacy rate of 0.55179. The cluster with high literacy is composed of 80% of the sample, with an average of 0.86060. More than 66% of the sample admits to having sought the incubator to receive support from specialized professionals, presenting 0.72081, and corroborating related studies. Results show that the level of literacy of the entrepreneurs is slightly high, increasing during incubation. It was verified that the purpose of consolidating managerial skills for the entrepreneurs is being reached by the incubator, however, the challenge of creating strategies to enhance entrepreneurial activity of incubators remains, through the development of skills in the area of personal and managerial finance.


Education; Literacy; Finance; Entrepreneur; Incubator


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2237-7956.2019.v9i1.3250


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