Analysis of fast-fashion consumers’ buying motivations

Moema Pereira Nunes, Giuliana Almada da Silveira


The fast-fashion is a business model adopted by fashion retail that ranges from product creation to production and distribution, in order to respond quickly to constant and increasingly frequent changes in fashion trends and consumer demand. This work has as main objective to analyze the buying motivations of fast-fashion consumers in Brazil. The literature review covered the themes fashion and consumption, fast fashion and fashion consumer motivations. A qualitative exploratory research through in-depth interviews was conducted with the fashion industry experts. A quantitative survey of exploratory and descriptive purposes was used in the sequence. This work points out the fast-fashion’s ability to strongly resonate with emotional, cognitive and social character motivations, leading the consumer to buy more and more frequently than if it were only motivated by functional objectives. The fast-fashion shopping motivations relate mainly to self expression, self-confidence and concern with image. Among the key factors in the purchase decision of fast-fashion consumers stand out from the lower prices, the variety of designs and products, and the environment of the stores. This last factor has not been previously identified in the literature and represents a breakthrough in scientific knowledge on the subject.


Fast-fashion; Buying motivations; Consumer; Fashion


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