Evaluation of drainability of asphaltic pavements in Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso, Brazil

Raul Tadeu Lobato Ferreira, Kassia Bianca Ferreira Guerra, Cristopher Antonio Martins Moura


Regarding to pavements safety conditions, drainability deserves attention because express the ease or the difficulty of aquaplaning occurence. In this research it was sought to study the drainability of urban pavements evaluating the draining capacity of one surface paved with hot rolled aspahlt and another with double bituminous surface treatment, with an outflow meter built following directions of Lima and Dalla Riva (2014). With the average flow data for each station evaluated jointly with the data of the sand patch test obtained by Domingues (2018), it was possible to obtain an equation that relates the results of drainability with the texture of the pavement. When correlating this adjusted equation, with the intervals defined by Pasquet (1968 apud CUBAR; DALLA ROZA, 2015), Coronel Elias Galvão Street, paved with hot rolled aspahlt, presented a medium surface texture, indicated for roads with velocity in the range of 80 to 120 km/h, and the surface in double bituminous surface treatment of President Kennedy Street, was classified as very rough, suitable for special cases that consist of areas with high risk of aquaplaning. Although they do not have ideal drainability values (macrotexture) according to the Infrastructure and Transportation National Department, the conditions of the runways evaluated do not offer a risk to the user’s safety, since they are intended for urban traffic.


Adherence; Macrotexture; Drainability


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2358-6508.2020.v7i1.3555


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Copyright (c) 2020 Raul Tadeu Lobato Ferreira, Kassia Bianca Ferreira Guerra, Cristopher Antonio Martins Moura

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