Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Ecosystem: A Bibliometric Study

Luciano Vieira Vieira, Jorge Oneide Sausen, Gloria Charão Ferreira


The constant changes in the business environment have mobilized researchers to investigate factors that lead companies to innovate and reach superior levels of performance. In this context, the absorptive capacity and the interorganizational relationships configured in innovation ecosystems have been pointed as propelling elements to the innovation process. The data has been collected from the Web of Science database from 2010 to 2021. The methodological technique applied was bibliometric by co-citation. To carry-out the co-citation, references from the 68 articles found were used, totaling 7.101 co-citations. Commonalities and factor loadings greater than 0.5 were maintained, then cross loadings were excluded. When refining the analysis, 38 references were maintained in the exploratory factor analysis and subsequent construction of the network. The results consider three factors with more representativeness for the theme are: 1) formed by studies on open innovation related, mainly to the necessity of reconceptualization, studies related to theories on management and knowledge were observed; 2) formed by studies which focus on knowledge and absorptive capacity, important elements in the innovation process and competitive advantage; 3) formed by studies which consider the interorganizational relationships, the collaboration aiming to attain long-lasting innovation results and the maintenance of a sustainable competitive advantage. Hence, it is intended to contribute to literature, highlighting the main authors and studies regarding the theme.


Innovation; Absorptive capacity; Innovation ecosystem


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2237-7956.2022.v12i2.4704


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