Application of Resource-Based View in the Public Sector: Research Opportunities Based on a Fragment of Literature in the International Context

Cristiano Sausen Soares, Fabrícia Silva da Rosa


Based on the indication of Matthews and Shulman (2005) for the use of Resource-Based View (RBV) in public organizations, this study was developed with the objective of analyzing the application of RBV in the context of public sector entities, with based on a fragment of international literature, identifying research opportunities. For this purpose, following qualitative, descriptive and bibliographic research, a Bibliographic Portfolio (BP) was created based on the search in seven international databases for previous studies that used this theory in the context of the public sector. The search results identified 15 articles for systemic analysis from the authors, year of publication, journals, objectives and methodology used, in addition to the research opportunities evidenced. The results of the study highlight as research opportunities the lack of attention to the interaction between tangible and intangible resources and the performance of government organizations. It is hoped that the results found can contribute to researchers interested in the topic and to public managers in the identification of strategic resources and generators of sustainable competitive advantages.


Performance; Strategic resources; Resource-based view


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Revista de Administração IMED (RAIMED)               ISSN: 2237-7956                Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA/Atitus)

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