The Link Between a Firm´s Internal Characteristics and Performance: GPTW & VRIO Dimension Analysis

José G. Vargas-Hernández, Francia Contreras Garcia


The following article addresses the models of Dr. Jay Barney, author of the article “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage” and Robert Levering, author of the book “A Great Place to Work”, which deals with the internal characteristics of companies and how they impact on the performance of it. We analyze the dimensions of Value, Rarity, Imitation and Use of Dr. Jay Barney’s VRIO model and the dimensions of Respect, Credibility, Equity, Pride and Camaraderie through the Trust of Robert Levering’s model, as indicators of the company’s performance. This document conceptually describes theoretical arguments of these authors, why organizations need to focus on their internal characteristics, in order to improve their performance. The hypothesis is that the internal characteristics of the organization and its management impact on the performance of the company. The models of both authors provide extensive data on the positive relationship between the internal characteristics of the company and its performance.


Internal Characteristics; Performance; Organizational Culture; Company

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