There were Times it was Needed to Motivate Knowledge Sharing, is it now Time to Protect?

Rosangela Fritscher Santos, Mirian Oliveira, Edimara Mezzomo Luciano


What will be the point of equilibrium between sharing and protecting? This essay analyzes the motivations to share knowledge and the protection needs of this knowledge from the analysis of 28 articles published in the periodical MIS Quarterly between 2005 and 2017. The barriers and motivations for sharing the knowledge have been studied to then encourage sharing. Factors such as technology development, dissemination of social media, among others, have influenced the sharing behavior of people. However, more recent studies show organizations’ concerns about protecting knowledge because of the risk of strategic losses. The results presented in this study suggest that the sharing of knowledge and its protection are equally critical and that the effective management of this knowledge is necessary.


knowledge management; knowledge sharing; motivations; protection; social media


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Revista de Administração IMED (RAIMED)               ISSN: 2237-7956                Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA/Atitus)

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