The Interference of Buyer-Seller Relationship and Trust Dimension in the Price Unfairness Perception

Valentina Ortiz Ubal, Luiz Antonio Slongo


The existing theory about the issue price perception of injustice argues that this is influenced by different dimensions of trust associated with the relationship between the buyer and the seller. Some authors argue that the longer the relationship and the greater the confidence, the higher perceived price injustice front of a status of a distinct and disadvantageous price payment compared to other buyers. However, other scholars opine otherwise, claiming that the relationship and trust are minimizing agents of price unfairness perception. In this sense, the main objective of this paper was to analyze the interference of the buyer-seller relationship and trust dimension in price unfairness perception. Thereby, it was conducted a literature review and a qualitative exploratory study to underpin the formulation of study proposals on the subject. Interviews were conducted with six managers of companies located in the Brazil-Uruguay Frontier, in order to discover the point of view of business society on the subject. It was found that when there is a high trust between the buyer and the seller, the finding of a difference and disadvantageous price payment situation from the buyer creates a higher price perception of unfairness for part of it. In addition, it was discovered that when there is more confidence, it is expected greater commitment and there are greater expectations about the actions of the other party and when is perceived injustice in the price charged by the seller it is understood that there was a betrayal.


Buyer-seller relationship; trust; price unfairness perception


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Copyright (c) 2018 Valentina Ortiz Ubal, Luiz Antonio Slongo

Revista de Administração IMED (RAIMED)               ISSN: 2237-7956                Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA/Atitus)

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