The Dark Side of Storytelling: The Importance of Reflection

Eduardo Robini da Silva, Fabiano Larentis, Deise Taiana de Ávila Dias


This study aimed to analyze Storytelling practices, within the organizational context, from the perspective of its negative and obscure side, involving both the storyteller and the listener. For this, a research with qualitative approach and exploratory and descriptive objectives was performed, specifically a generic qualitative study. As collection techniques, semi-structured and narrative interviews were used, involving managers and entrepreneurs who have worked in organizations for at least 10 years. In this way it has been possible to identify storytelling practices in the most diverse organizational contexts and what was called the dark side of storytelling, highlighting the danger that stories can cause to people, not only when they are malicious, but also unconsciously, through unpredictable aspects that can cause future problems by telling a story. Among the contributions of this study, we highlight the reflection on the deepening about storytelling, explaining its motivators and results and we suggest to managers the use of storytelling as a form of development and its effective application within organizations, being able to assist the managers in the decision making.


Storytelling; Dark Side; Reflection; Storytelling Motivators and Results


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Copyright (c) 2018 Eduardo Robini da Silva, Fabiano Larentis, Deise Taiana de Ávila Dias

Revista de Administração IMED (RAIMED)               ISSN: 2237-7956                Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA/Atitus)

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