The architecture of the first modernist houses of São Paulo

Rogério Novakoski


In a period when the country was seeking its national identity, new architects from São Paulo, such as Henrique Mindlin, Gregori Warchavchik, Rino Levi, João Vilanova Artigas, among others, showed the impulse to insert avant-garde architectural proposals, by the organic aesthetic of Frank Lloyd Wright and the progressive design of Le Corbusier. However, this generation of architects had the resistance of the conservative bourgeoisie of the city, who saw the traditional model of house as a symbol of power before society. Thus, this work, through a methodology of bibliographical and documentary research, based on surveys and studies of works in the areas of Architecture, Urbanism and Sociology, photographs, technical drawings and visits to houses of great historical importance, makes an analysis of the architectural characteristics of the first modernist houses of the São Paulo bourgeoisie, in its plastic and functional aspects, observing the mixture of the new ideas of the 20th century with traditional eclectic European and neocolonial elements.


Homes; Modernism; Paulistan Bourgeoisie



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ISSN 2318-1109

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