Post-occupation evaluation applied to the public space: the case of Campo Fredolino Chimango in the city of Passo Fundo/RS

Felipe Buller Bertuzzi, Fernanda da Cruz Moscarelli, Grace Tibério Cardoso


The urbanization process, as a result of the population increase in the cities, prompted the need for greater planning with regard to urban infrastructure. In this sense, the hygienist period arose with the objective of inserting free wooded areas, which would help to improve the ambience of the city. The free spaces, important structurers of the urban form, began to provide vitality and support to the users who enjoy it, and help in the qualification of the environment. From this context, the present work promoted an analysis at the Fredolino Chimango Field in the city of Passo Fundo / RS, a leisure area focused on sports practice. The qualitative research applied to this study was linked to the post-use problem of public equipment, based on bibliographic data and observations obtained locally, to understand the organization of external and internal flows to the site, urban equipment and furniture , as well as the vegetative quality in the space in question. Taking into account these aspects, we sought to promote morphological analyzes allied to the user’s perception about space through a Post-Occupancy Analysis. As a result, it could be observed the lack of qualified attractions in the place, the lack of maintenance of the playground furniture and gym equipment. On the other hand, the afforestation of the space is indicated as pleasant to the users for providing shading in the perimeter of the field. After these diagnoses, it was noticed the predominance of a young age group that seeks for a space of tranquility and, at the same time, the practice of physical exercises. Thus, this initial study aimed at the understanding of the post-use of the Fredolino Chimango Field contributes to the discussion regarding the use and appropriation of public spaces, as well as its structuring role of the urban form, capable of promoting user manifestations as active participants of the city.


Public spaces; Morphological analyzes; Post-Occupancy Evaluation



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ISSN 2318-1109

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