Lean construction and sustainable management of documents and works in civil construction with the use of QR-code

Meriellen Nuvolari Pereira Mizutani


It is necessary to propose a discussion on the use of management tools in order to streamline and organize production processes within the organizational world, as well as to assist in the concepts of sustainability. Where assertiveness and speed in managing a company’s projects is increasingly important. The article presents the use of the QR-Code code tool within this routine, addressing the influence of technological innovations on new interaction processes with cyberspace by observing the mutations that occur in the relationship between user and digital environment. More specifically, the study analyzes how the insertion of QR codes in two companies in the Civil Construction sector, one of the areas of greatest economic influence and employability in Brazil, can benefit strategic communication, efficiency and economic performance of the final product in a sustainable and agile way. The methodological approach works with the bibliographical review, as well as the qualitative analysis of the two case studies. As results obtained in this brief study, there was an improvement and agility in the management of information and communication between the office and the construction site, generating savings, reliability and an increase in quality and productivity in construction. With this, it presents an easy replicability tool within the field of management, regardless of the sector to be employed.


Sustainable Management; QR-Code; Codes; Civil Construction Management; Management Tools

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2318-1109.2021.v11i2.4623


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ISSN 2318-1109

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