Theory and practice compared in education in Freire

Volnei Fortuna


This article aims to analyze and reflect the relationship between theory and practice in education from Freire, facing the challenges of current education. We will seek to understand where Freire's ideas are still important references for the training of individuals and for the emancipation of society. To this end, we analyze the concept of education, theory and practice in Freire's thought and, as a result, the productivity of these concepts is evaluated, considering the current context of education. In entanglement and tension between theory and practice in education, we aim to understand the pedagogical praxis as a possibility of (co) relationship between thinking and thought in the educational process subjects. The relationship between theory and practice in education open emancipatory guiding paths for the formation of subjects who think the society in a manner consistent with the precepts of being more as a possibility of the educator of the student. The condition of the subjects in the process of knowledge is so human, that is able to enable the transformation of oneself and others, for this, theory and embedded praxis practice are necessary conditions for the formation of sensitive subjects, emancipated, solidarity and world transformeres.

Keyword: Theory. Practice. Pedagogical Praxis. Be more. Emancipation.


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