The perception of Fisheries Engineering students at the Bahia State University, Campus XXIV on living beings from Cell Biology

Darcy Ribeiro Castro, Jacqueline Araújo Guerra, Keisyara Bonfim Santos, Samara Rocha Mendes Santos, Taliany Santos Amorim


This work deals with the formation of scientific concepts in higher education of the Fishing Engineering Course of the State University of Bahia (UNEB), Campus XXIV, Xique-Xique-BA, from the previous knowledge of students from the Vygotskian perspective. The objective was to know the ways of perknowthestudents about the concepts of living beings (cell structure, groups, size, life cycle and vital functions) associated with cognitive constructs such as teleologism, essentialism and anthropocentrism. Data collection occurred through a structured questionnaire, and the results were organized into categories, tabulated with the aid of basic Excel statistics and analyzed according to the references presented. We evidenced a limited scientific perception of cell biology contents by students, and 42% of the responses were without yield (S/N), 33% spontaneous, 13% spontaneous-pesudoconcept and 12% scientific with decreasing distribution in essentialist (42%), anthropocentric (9%) constructs teleological (7%). This evidenced conceptual aspects that facilitate the realization of a practical extension course on cell biology for these students, in order to contribute to the expansion of the perception about the structure and functionality of living beings from the cell.


Cell/living being; Cognitive constructs; Conceptual system


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