Diagnosis of production planning, control e monitoring practices at Curitiba construction sites

Guilherme Felipe Schallenberger Schaurich, Alfredo Iarozinski Neto


Production planning, control and monitoring processes play a fundamental role in the performance of civil construction. Even so, companies in the sector focus their actions on the enterprise as a whole, without paying due attention to production. With this in mind, this study sought to diagnose the practices of planning, control and monitoring production at construction sites in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. Initially, a bibliometric analysis was developed on the topic, with the objective of identifying relevant studies in the area for the elaboration of the theoretical framework. Then, data collection was carried out through interviews with professionals who worked on construction sites, using a structured questionnaire with a semantic differential scale. The results obtained were expressed in the form of boxplot charts and histograms. Therefore, it was possible to observe the panorama of production management practices within the construction sites, and the planning practices showed more concentrated results of use and development, but smaller than the control and monitoring practices.


Planning; Control and Monitoring; Production; Construction; Construction site


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2358-6508.2022.v9i1.4385


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