Development of software for design and pre-dimensioning USBR type I, II, III and IV stilling basins

Gabriel Caetano Abrantes de Quadros, Ana Rúbia de Carvalho Bonilha Silva


The stilling basins are hydraulic structures responsible for preventing erosion of the riverbed due to the speed of water at downstream of the spillway at a dam. They cause the energy dissipation, being sized for attend various conditions from the water flow. USBR type I, II, III and IV stilling basins are basins that present energy dissipation through the formation of a hydraulic jump contained in its structure. In this context, through a study that was carried out on the different calculation methods used in the design of these types of stilling basins, a software was developed to characterize and pre-size the type of basin recommended for a certain flow situation. Besides to pre-size this hydraulic structure, it exports these results in a PDF file. In addition, examples of pre-sizing of these types of basins found in the literature were tested to verify the validity of the software. The results obtained by the software presented convergence with the results found in the literature. Thus, the software demonstrated ability in the computational modeling of stilling basins, being a tool that be able to assist the user in the dimensioning of these structures.


Hydraulics structures; Programming; Energy dissipation


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Copyright (c) 2021 Gabriel Caetano Abrantes de Quadros, Ana Rúbia de Carvalho Bonilha Silva

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