Evaluation of drainage and tensile strength in diametrical compression of a SMA mixture with addition of hydrated lime and glass fiber type E

Maicon Basso dos Santos, Matheus Lemos Nogueira


With the increasing demand for structures that support high traffic volumes, overload, better performance and less need for repairs or maintenance interventions, new materials must be studied or developed to address such needs. Among the hot-machined asphalt mixtures, we can highlight the Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA), which has been developed and improved over time to meet high volume traffic. In this work, the effects of the addition of hydrated lime on the tensile strength of the SMA mixture and the effect of the use of type E glass fiber in the mitigation of bitumen binder flow were analyzed. Polymer-modified petroleum asphalt cement (CAP 60/85-E), glass fiber, artificial sand, basaltic aggregate and lime were used. The test specimens were submitted to the tests for the determination of the Marshall parameters, Schellemberg test and Tensile strength by diametral compression. The bituminous binder content was set at 7% due to the results obtained in the Marshall parameters. In the draindown test, adequate content was observed for the mixture with 0.5% glass fiber. In the tensile strength test, a resistance loss of 1.5% lime was observed when compared to 1%, while both percentages presented resistance higher than that prescribed by ET-DE-P00 / 031.


Stone Asphalt Matrix; Fiber glass; Hydrated Lime


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2358-6508.2020.v7i1.3552


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