Comparative analysis of roughness by traffic lanes obtained by application for smartphones

Raimundo Igor Marques Duarte, Elisa da Silva Sousa, Francisco Heber Lacerda de Oliveira


The roughness is one of the parameters most used in the evaluation of the functional quality of road pavements. In the last decades, the managers have the challenge of using methods that obtain roughness data accurately, quickly and at the same time with low cost equipment and easy operation. In this sense, the use of smartphone applications has emerged as an alternative to traditional methods of evaluation. In this paper, a comparative analysis of the roughness obtained through the application SmartIRI and subjective evaluation was made, to a 4.1 km extension of a flexible paved highway with six traffic lanes. It was identified that, in some sections, the subjective evaluation was consistent with the results of the application, and in others, it was more conservative, classifying as Regular what the application classified as Good. In addition, it was observed that the use of SmartIRI allows the evaluation of segments of 100 meters, being able to identify critical sections that need corrective measures. With this paper, it is hoped to aid the decision-making process regarding maintenance and rehabilitation strategies, contributing to the quality of road pavement comfort.


Functional evaluation; Flexible pavement; Applications; Smartphone; Highway


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Copyright (c) 2020 Raimundo Igor Marques Duarte, Elisa da Silva Sousa, Francisco Heber Lacerda de Oliveira

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