Specie – treatment – adhesive combinations for glulam purpose

Carlito Calil Neto, Julio Cesar Molina, Carlito Calil Junior, Francisco Rocco Lahr


Glued laminated timber is an engineered product that requires precision manufacturing in all its stages. The finished product can only be tested in laboratory conditions. However, it is necessary to have quality control in the production to ensure that the properties of the glulam are appropriate to the product specified requirements in accordance with the standards. In Brazil is still no specific standard of qualification for the manufactures of Glulam. In this context, different kinds of wood, adhesives and preservative treatments in the composition of Glulam can be used. This paper aims to evaluate the proposed trials conducted with combinations of four Brazilian reforestation species, three adhesives and three types of preservative treatment. As a result was observed that combinations, which showed the best performance, were pine and parica wood, with any type of adhesive or treatment investigated, which can be used in exterior applications. Lyptus® wood for any combination of treatments falls into the internal use class. Teak wood can be used indoors (adhesive polyurethane and all kinds of treatment) or external (phenol resorcinol formaldehyde adhesive and all kinds of treatment).


madeira laminada colada

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2358-6508/rec-imed.v3n2p16-23


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