Letter from a practitioner for marketing academics Understanding the theoretical construction process of marketing as an academic discipline and administrative playing field

Larissa Silva Oliveira


From time to time, a subject that back to conversations and discussions center is the gap between theoretical and marketers. Academics, concerned with the theoretical rigor, detailed description and thorough analysis of the characteristics of the phenomena make their rich publications in scientific content, but difficult to understand and applicability to the practical means. By contrast, practitioners, delivering results, and short term goals, seek to devise strategies and specific lines of action, which often do not have applicability in other settings, making their specific actions, not generalized and not scientific. The purpose of this theoretical essay is to understand the relationship between academia and the playing field over the years, the theoretical construct in marketing, proposing a rapprochement between academic practitioners, seeing more interaction between the two areas.


Marketing management; theory; professional; academics; practitioners


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2237-7956/raimed.v5n3p261-268


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