To be VIP or not to be VIP: The Influence of the Group of Friends on the Impulse Purchase of Music Festival Tickets

Sara Pinto Fernandes, Samuel Lins, Sibele D. Aquino, Salomé Mamede


Music festivals are becoming increasingly important in the provision of experiential consumption, with significant economic and social impacts. The study aims to understand what the Portuguese think about VIP areas at music festivals, and to identify which variables predict the tendency for impulse buying of tickets to the VIP area. The study used the mixed method, using an experimental and correlational design, applying qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative (statistical analysis) approaches in the analyses. 359 Portuguese (278 women and 81 men) participated in the study. The results revealed that more negative than positive characteristics are attributed to the VIP areas and that the approval of the group of friends leads the Portuguese to increase their impulse buying, with positive emotions mediating this relationship. It was established that normative influence and status consumption are associated with impulse buying. This study allows us to look at music festivals as phenomena of social integration and acceptance, contributing to a broader knowledge of this type of commerce. The study brings relevant insights for managers, especially in experiential marketing, by highlighting the importance of findings on the consumption of collective experiences.


Experience consumption; Impulse buying; Emotions; Interpersonal influence, Social proof


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Copyright (c) 2022 Sara Pinto Fernandes, Samuel Lins, Sibele D. Aquino, Salomé Mamede

Revista de Administração IMED (RAIMED)               ISSN: 2237-7956                Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA/Atitus)

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