Population perception on the use of public transport and private cars: a solution for the sustainability of the motorized mobility system

Pâmela Gnoatto, Chauana Martinelli Pedroso, Bruna Lima da Silva, Laura Pasa Cambrussi, Alcindo Neckel


Public transport and private cars, when combined with urban planning, tend to contribute to the development of local sustainability. The objective of the research is to analyze the population perception regarding the use of public transportation and private cars in the city of Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil, seeking to understand the population's preference for private transportation and public transport. Methodologically, a 90% confidence interval and a 10% sample error were used to select the 68 questionnaires applied, where multiple choice questions were used. The results revealed that 66% of the interviewed people use public transport, but they evaluate it as of poor quality. As a proposal for the improvement of motorized mobility, the Car Sharing system of three organizations: ZipCar, ZasCar and Car2Go was carried out to suggest the implementation of the system in the city. The results of the study demonstrated the feasibility of the Car Sharing System as an alternative for improvements in sustainable urban mobility.

Palabras clave

Public Transport; Private Cars; Population

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2318-1109/arqimed.v6n1p74-84

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