The ideal sustainability in a single-family building: a case study

Fernando Grande, Maiara Ganzer Gazola, Adriano Pilla Zeilmann


The construction industry is responsible for 40% of the countries’ total energy consumption, and contributes to accelerating climate change and not depleting natural resources. Improving the constructive model is an immediate measure to be taken in relation to a healthy environment, as realizing that we have a growing problem without measures to minimize it makes society retrograde. The aim of the study is to analyze sustainable strategies in civil construction. Therefore, the study uses the case study method and approach as sustainable used in the construction of a single-family residence in the city of Passo Fundo-RS. The method used was the case study, visits were made in loco, analysis of documents and projects and photographs, analysis of results. The harmful results that buildings have a high level of innovation, efficiency and accessibility. Several factors identified in the building, the concern with the project’s sustainability. Among the main technological measures adopted, stand out the rainwater reuse systems, crossover techniques and alternative and renewable electricity generation systems, which help to avoid waste and promote the preservation of natural resources. Based on the study carried out, it is possible to identify that this project favors the inclusion of criteria related to energy efficiency in the design of buildings, allowing adequate planning to reduce energy costs and environmental impacts.


Sustainability; Construction; Sustainable Development



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ISSN 2318-1109

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