Street cinema as a special intervention in an unequal city: the case of Alpendre CineARQ in Pau dos Ferros/RN

Daniel Paulo de Andrade, Vitoria Raissa Ferreira Mangueira


From a new panorama regarding the relationship between cinema, architecture and urbanism, articulating them to the issues of appropriation and debate in the city, this article aims to build thoughts on alternatives that were not prescribed in the rationality of urban planning, but that emerge to transform the idea of inert and definitive spaces. In this way, it will focus on the performance of Alpendre CineARQ, a research and extension project at the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region (UFERSA), Pau dos Ferros - RN, which uses street cinema as a form of urban micro-resistance. In this bias, the methodology focused on investigating references that deal with the theme, as well as analyzing and documenting the sessions of the Alpendre CineARQ. In conclusion, the group’s actions are found in the occupation of public spaces and in the discussions of the movies, possibilities to foster culture, preserve and connect identities.


Architecture; Urban Space; Audio-visual; Cinema; Extension



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ISSN 2318-1109

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