Rural Landscaping: a forgotten area or a growing opportunity?

David Egerton, Eliane Thaines Bodah, Brian W. Bodah, Rafael M. T. Lopes, Rodrigo Jimenez


For decades, landscaping has been interchangeable with urbanism. As ecotourism becomes more popular, there is also a growing demand to look at rural landscaping. In this article, we present an overview of rural landscaping as well as a review of cases combining rural environment and city elements. The interaction of these elements will reflect the importance of preserving local culture and responsible development, especially for small and medium landowners. More and more people look for an escape from the urban areas, whether it be through visiting rural areas or by bringing rural landscaping to the city. Structuring rural landscaping could lead to considerable profitability as well as encouraging the preservation of rural spaces and become a considerably new field of work for landscape architectures and architectures.  


Rural landscaping; landscape design; American opportunities

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