Difficulties in the implementation of the brazilian performance standard in small and medium size construction companies in the west of Santa Catarina

Claudivana Sistherenn Pagliari, Louise Chiarello Amaro, Elvira Maria Vieira Lantelme, Silvio Edmundo Pilz, Marcelo Fabiano Costella


The present research had the objective of evaluating the implementation of this standard in ten construction companies with the support of a checklist of the performance standard developed by Costella (2018). The checklist was applied to a set of ten construction companies located in the west of Santa Catarina. These companies were followed for eight months, and the checklist was applied in the first and last visit, aiming at evaluating the evolution of companies and detecting the main difficulties in complying with the standard. Among the results, it is highlighted that the main difficulties are in the requirements of structural performance, waterproofing, acoustic performance and durability, and maintainability. Besides, the company with the highest compliance with standard requirements went from 16.36% to 40.61% of compliance, which still does not represent half of the possible standard requirements compliance. The present work contributed to the discussion of the implementation of the Brazilian standard of performance in the construction sector, besides helping to identify and discuss the main difficulties faced by small and medium construction companies in its compliance.


NBR15575; Checklist; Implementation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2318-1109.2019.v8i2.3618


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ISSN 2318-1109

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