Dialogue between architecture and teaching: contributions of architecture allied to the Montessori method for the teaching-learning process

Rochele Thais Minato, Adriana Kunen, Maria Fernanda Miranda Pezente, Daniele Kunz Pagno


Early childhood education, in addition to enabling discoveries and knowledge, also becomes the personality trait of the child. This work consists of a study about the importance of school architecture for the teaching-learning process, through the use of Montessori pedagogical theory and using devices such as Ludicismo, colors and accessibility. The objective was to explain how architecture, together with the Montessori teaching method, can provide a quality education. Given this, the importance of this research is justified, since Montessori architecture and teaching can motivate the child’s learning, transforming education into an instrument that encourages learning in a pleasurable way. For this, a research method is applied that uses bibliographical revisions about the subject and analysis of reference projects on the subject, relating the theory with the practice. Based on this, it is possible to highlight the main characteristics present in an educational establishment based on the Montessori pedagogy and how they can act for the benefit of education, in addition to presenting features that architecture has that favor the teaching-learning process, showing the how a pleasant and planned environment becomes fundamental for the full development of children.


School Architecture; Child Education; Ludic; Montessori

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2318-1109.2018.v7i2.3042


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ISSN 2318-1109

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