Achitecture and History: the catalog of building projetcs of Centro de Memória do Oeste de Santa Catarina (CEOM/Unochapecó)

Fernanda Guaragni, André Luiz Onghero


This paper aims to present the catalog of building projects that integrates the historical collection guarded by the Centro de Memória do Oeste de Santa Catarina (CEOM/Unochapecó), located in Chapecó-SC, Brazil. The catalog presents informations that contributes to the study of the urbanization of Chapecó and other municipalities in the western region of Santa Catarina. The original projects are available for research, but their digitization intends to facilitate the research and insure the preservation of the originals. In order to gather information and assist in the development of research with these documents, CEOM has developed a digital catalog of building projects. This paper approaches the context of colonization and urbanization of Chapecó, in order to show this collection as one of the possible sources for studies of historiographic and urbanistic character.


Building Projects; Historical collection; Urbanization



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ISSN 2318-1109

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