The influence of the context in the incorporation of sustainable strategies in hotels

Bruna Adams, Roberta Mulazzani Doleys Soares, Myrella Soares Vieira


The increasing investment of the hotel sector in sustainability certifications evidences the benefits provided for the enterprise, for the guests and the context in which the hotel is inserted. Because, besides contributing to a healthier environment, it becomes a competitive differential for hotels and attracts new guests who share with this environmental concern (sustainable tourism). However, the use of sustainable strategies is often linked to hotels in a more rural context. In this way, we sought to analyze the application of sustainable strategies in the hotel industry in two case studies with different characteristics and opposite contexts, studying both situations and aiming to research and encourage the insertion of sustainable strategies in hotels. For this, two hotels that incorporate sustainability since the project until the daily operation are presented. The Cambará Eco Hotel is located in Cambará do Sul-RS, being a case study developed in loco and Venit Mio Barra Hotel located in Barra da Tijuca-RJ, comprising a bibliographical research. The Cambará Eco Hotel is relatively far from the city and has a large area for hiking in the midst of preserved native vegetation. It is certified by NBR 15401 (2014). On the other hand, Venit Mio Barra Hotel is located in the midst of the intense urbanization, it is Procel certified and incorporates two types of hotels in their program, the business wing (short stay) associated with the daily agitation and the sector for the guests who seek tranquility, overlooking the Lagoa de Marapendi. As a complementary research, a hotel in Germany, winner of a competition, also implemented in an urban context, is presented in order to verify the strategies employed and establish a comparison with the national examples. The studies revealed that both hotels are recognized for sustainable practices, showing that applying the sustainable architecture contributes for positive results regardless of the context in which it is implemented.


Hotel; Sustentabilidade; Arquitetura Sustentável; Estratégias Sustentáveis; Certificações Ambientais.



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ISSN 2318-1109

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