Restructuring proposal of the public transport system of Jaraguá do Sul/SC

Gerson José Borges Junior, Juliana Reu Junqueira


Transport systems are a fundamental part and parcel of medium and large-size cities. Through them, all sectors of society connect and interact. The Public Transport, prime to the existence of urban mobility on cities, has the role of, effectively, manage the displacements of its users. Based on the grounded theoretical data, this paper aims to restructure the existing Public Transport system on the city of Jaraguá do Sul, through reviews of the data collected from a 2011 Origin-Destination Survey, focusing on the decentralization and integration of the existing bus lines. This restructuring process lies on the location of urban bus terminals for the city, which currently has only one. A new system of bus lines network has also been proposed, setting a new provision for the Public Transport system on the city’s urban plant. This Project presents the best way to arrange the designed urban bus lines and its routes.


Transports; Restructuring; Terminals



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ISSN 2318-1109

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