Architectural draft of an Elderly Living Center in Arroio Trinta – SC

Anderson Lari Lazari, Jeferson Eduardo Suckow, Juliana Aparecida Biasi, Tulainy Parisotto


The individual’s aging process has been changing over the years around the world. Such changes are based on the increase in the population longevity rate, as well as the need for institutional bodies to adapt to the new reality. This article aims to develop an architectural project for an Elderly Living Center for the municipality of Arroio Trinta, Santa Catarina. The choice of such a theme was based on the need of the Arroiotrintense population in an environment that provides activities for the care of the elderly, with a focus on dignified and quality aging. The methodological study was based on the analysis of theoretical references on the topic, the elaboration of case studies in the area and the analysis of viable land for the structuring of the ELC. Through this information, it is possible to determine the land is able to receive the structuring of the preliminary project that can generate an adequate and safe place for assistance to the elderly population.


Architecture; Elderly; Community Center



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ISSN 2318-1109

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