Morphology studies as subsidy for qualification of building space

Fernanda da Cruz Moscarelli, Maurício Kunz, Bruna Dal Agnol, Inara Pagnussat Camara


The study of pre-existing urban morphology characteristics allows us to identify patterns used as inputs to the formulation of volumetric rules for building. Thus, we propose a methodology for analysis and classification of the blocks by shape and size, as subsequent plot patterns and road systems. The study aims to determine an urban pattern that serves as a basis for a more appropriate zoning to building rules. The research was identified from the application of the Passo Fundo case study, Brazil, as 12 distinct morphological spaces likely to be adopted as the basis for urban rules: Square, Rectangular type A, Rectangular type B and Rectangular type C; which appear in small, medium and large areas. The results indicated that: (a) the square blocks condition highly the subsequently form and area sizes plots; (b) the rectangular blocks did not condition the format of the plots; (c) there was a correlation between the frequency of road networks and central placement and an inverse correlation between block sizes and frequency of road networks.


Urban morphology; Building patterns; Standards; Urban rules; Urban performance



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ISSN 2318-1109

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