The imperative on the innovation and the building of an innovative teaching

Daniela Pederiva Pensin


This paper considers that the discourses constitute and justify authorized ways of teaching. Thus, according to the games of truth, it is imposed to university teaching the innovation as condition to its presence. The aim of this paper is to provoke the problems facing the growing phenomenon of neophilia, the importance given to what is new, the obsession to what is new exposed through words such as: changing, creativity, flexibility, technology, entrepreneurship and, of course, innovation. Built in an approach inspired in the Foucaultians studies and using the discourse as a theoretical and methodological concept, this paper brings reasons around the meaning of innovation and put it with the movement of commerce of the university education. We also present positioning and resistance of educators and researchers associated to the productions of university pedagogy, considering possible way of escaping. Bearing in mind the theoretical and methodological concept of the discourse, the paper emphasizes the non-existence of life outside this atmosphere, warns to the constitution of a singular teaching guided by a singular notion of innovation in our world. The paper also highlights that the denaturalization and the problems facing the imperative of innovation are still necessary since this utilitarian, pragmatic, reductionist logic and linked to the neoliberal rationality acts as a desire of truth that acts over the teaching coercion and does not allow the truth.


University education; Innovation; Teaching


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