Oral manifestations of human T-lymphotropic virus – HTLV

Sérgio Spezzia


Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) has four known types. HTLV types 1 and 2 characteristically have low virulence and it is known that among the virus carriers the vast majority will remain without developing diseases as a result. In contrast HTLV has high potential to infect healthy people who did not live with the virus. The HTLV has systemic and oral manifestations, deserving to be investigated thoroughly by means of detailed anamnesis and clinical examination. The aim of the present article was to verify the main oral manifestations caused by HTLV. A literature review was carried out, involving studies and articles about oral manifestations from HTLV. The databases PubMED and Google Scholar were consulted. The only oral manifestation from HTLV is restricted to adult T-cell lymphoma. Indirectly patients with tropical spastic paraparesis may develop Sjogren’s syndrome, coming from the infection caused by the HTLV virus. HTLV may cause neuropsychomotor changes that interfere with the dental management of patients by the dental surgeon. The principles of biosafety must be strictly adhered to by the dental surgeon when treating patients with HTLV, since the virus can contaminate the professional himself during the ducts. The dental conducts performed in patients with HTLV can help improve the conditions and quality of life of the symptomatic infected, minimizing the discomfort caused by the disease.


Diseases; Carrier State; Disease Prevention; Paraparesis; Tropical Spastic


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2238-510X.2020.v9i2.3176


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