Black-spotted chromogenic bacteria

Maiquiele Boeira da Silva, Alexandra Flávia Gazzoni, Guilherme Gaboardi, Elias da Rosa Hoffmann, Daniel Galafassi


Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the association of Prevotella Melaninogenic and Actinomyces bacteria with dark biofilm in permanent teeth. Case Report: A patient with black spots along the cervical contour of the teeth was invited to participate in the present study. After its clarification and acceptance, completing the IC, was collected with the aid of a sterile curette, a part of this biofilm that was inserted into an eppendorff containing saline. The collected material was vortexed for 15 seconds and then inoculated into 100 microliters (µl) of the solution in a 5% kanamycin supplemented blood agar medium, followed by cultivation for 72 hours. From bacterial growth, they were isolated on macconkey agar, chocolate and anaerobic blood. Biochemical tests were then performed using MIO (motility, indole and ornithine), citrate, TSI (triple sugar with iron) and LIA (iron lysine agar) media. Conclusion: Through the clinical characteristics associated with the biochemism employed in the tests, we can conclude that the bacteria that is associated with black spots present in the patient is of the genus prevotella spp.


Melaninogenic Prevotella; Actinomyses; Bacterium; Stains; Chromogenic


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