Perception of University Students About the Interface Between Leisure, Religiosity and Spiritual Well-being

Marcos Gonçalves Maciel, Galdino Neto de Oliveira Junior, Jorge Augusto Pinto da Silva Mota


The present study aimed at analyzing whether leisure experiences in a religious context contribute to the development of spiritual well-being in college students. This is a mixed, cross-sectional, exploratory research and case study. The sample was selected by convenience; 108 people participated (29.8 ± 10.4 years), being 61.1% women. Regarding adherence to religions/beliefs, there was the following distribution: Umbanda (2.8%), atheist (6.5%), Kardecist spiritist (6.5%), Evangelical (33.3%), Catholic (37.0%), other (13.9%). A semi-structured questionnaire was applied via Google Forms, and the spiritual well-being scale validated for Portuguese. A 5-point Likert scale was used to record the answers, which were analyzed by means of averages. The results show an average of 4.4 in agreement that the leisure activities performed in a religious context contribute to the promotion of spiritual well-being; in relation to the perception of spiritual well-being a general average of 3.8 was identified. It is considered that leisure activities in a religious context, regardless of gender, marital status, or beliefs, may act as a factor to promote spiritual well-being among college students.


Spirituality; Mental Health; Religion; Student Health


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Copyright (c) 2023 MARCOS GONÇALVES MACIEL, Galdino Neto de Oliveira Junior, Jorge Augusto Pinto da Silva Mota

ISSN 2175-5027

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